How to Customize Paragraph in PowerPoint

Adding and customizing paragraph in PowerPoint


How to indent Paragraph in PowerPoint
How to align text horizontally in PowerPoint
How to add and customize bullet points in PowerPoint
How to customize Bullet Color in PowerPoint
How to change the bullet size in PowerPoint
How to make customized Bullets in PowerPoint
How to add numbering points to the   text in PowerPoint
How to add a picture in bullet  in PowerPoint
How to make customized Bullets in PowerPoint
How to change the bullet size in PowerPoint
How to adjust Line spacing between text in PowerPoint
How to change vertical text alignment in PowerPoint
How to change text direction in PowerPoint
How to add or remove columns in PowerPoint
How to convert simple Text to Smart Art in PowerPoint

How to indent a paragraph in PowerPoint

Adjusting Indent level in PowerPoint
figure 1

1.  Select the paragraph text
2.  Go to the “Home tab”
3.  Go to the “Paragraph group”

Adjusting Indent level in PowerPoint
Figure 2

4.  Select the “Indent less” and

Adjusting Indent level in PowerPoint
Figure 3

“Indent more” options, next to the “font numbering” command

Adjusting Indent level in PowerPoint
Figure 4


Adjusting Indent level in PowerPoint
Figure 5

Shortcut Key:
Indent the paragraph :Ctrl + E
Remove a paragraph indent : Ctrl+Shift+M

How to align text horizontally in PowerPoint

Adjusting horizontal text alignment in PowerPoint
Figure 6

1.  Select the paragraph text 
2.  Go to the “Home tab”
3.  Go to “Paragraph Group”
4.  Select the “horizontal text alignment” option, you want to add to your text. i.e.,
Align text to left  (Ctrl+L)
Align text to the center  ( Ctrl +E)
Align text to the right  (Ctrl+ R)
or Justify text  (Ctrl +J)

Adjusting horizontal text alignment in PowerPoint
Figure 7 demonstrates the “Text to right” alignment option

How to add and customize bullet points in PowerPoint

Adding and customizing bullet points in PowerPoint
Figure 29


Adding and customizing bullet points in PowerPoint
Figure 30

1.  Go to the “Home tab”, in the “paragraph section”
2.  Click the  bullet points option, and a dropdown menu of bullet point styles will appear
3.  Select the style you want to add to your bullet point.
4.  To  customize your bullet point style, click the “Bullet points and Numbering” option from the dropdown menu

Adding and customizing bullet points in PowerPoint
Figure 31

5.  A bullet and numbering customization panel will appear with customization options i.e., Colour, Size and customize bullets and numbers

How to customize bullet points color in PowerPoint

Customizing bullets colour in PowerPoint
Figure 32

1.  From the bullet dropdown menu, Click  the last “Bullets and Numbering” dialogue box
2.  From the given panel, Select the bullet to change its color
3.  Click the “arrow” next to the color bucket icon

Customizing bullets colour in PowerPoint
Figure 33

 4.  A color panel will appear with  three color categories i.e.,

Customizing bullets colour in PowerPoint
Figure 34

Theme Colour (automatically change according to the  theme applied to the slide)
Standard Colours (Colours that are available with every theme)
More Colours ( by clicking this option you can choose any of the colors you want to add   from the color wheel)

Customizing bullets colour in PowerPoint
Figure 35

How to add numbering points to text in PowerPoint


Adding number points to the paragraph in PowerPoint
Figure 8

1.  In the Bullets and Numbering panel, Click on the “Numbering option”
2.  You can add a number from which you want to start bullets and click “ok”

Adding number points to the paragraph in PowerPoint
Figure 9


How to add a picture in bullet  in PowerPoint

Customizing pictures in bullet points in PowerPoint
Figure 36

1.  From the Bullets and Numbering panel, click on the “Picture” option
2.  A dialogue box will appear with a few picture insert options i.e.,
From a File (Browse images on your computer )
Stock Images( Search from stock image library)
Online Images( Search images from online sources like Bing, Flickr, or OneDrive)
From Icons ( select and insert from the icon collection)

Customizing pictures in bullet points in PowerPoint
Figure 37

3.  Select the picture insert option, browse and insert your desired image/icon in bullet points

Customizing pictures in bullet points in PowerPoint
Figure 38


Customizing pictures in bullet points in PowerPoint
Figure 39


How to make customized Bullets in PowerPoint

Customizing bullet points in PowerPoint
Figure 40


Customizing bullet points in PowerPoint
Figure 41

1.  From the Bullets and Numbering panel, Click the “picture” option
2.  Select the icon you want to add to your text as bullet points

How to change the bullet size in PowerPoint

1.  From the Bullets and Numbering panel, click on the “Size” option and enter your required size percentage of your text

Customizing bullet points size in PowerPoint
Figure 42


How to adjust line spacing between text in PowerPoint

Adjusting character line spacing in PowerPoint
Figure 10

1.   Select the paragraph text and go to “Home Tab”
2.   Go to the “Paragraph” section
3.   Click the “arrow” next to the “Line spacing” option
4.  A drop-down menu will appear, select your required  “line spacing ”value

Adjusting character line spacing in PowerPoint
Figure 11

5.  To customize  your Line spacing value
6.  Line spacing panel will appear, you can now customize your text spacing

Adjusting character line spacing in PowerPoint
Figure 12


How to change vertical text alignment in PowerPoint

Adjusting vertical text alignment in PowerPoint
Figure 13

1.  Select paragraph text and Go to “Home Tab”
2.  In paragraph group, go to the “Vertical Text Alignment ” option
3.  Click the “arrow” next to it, and a drop-down menu will appear
4.  From the Dropdown menu, you can select your required text alignment option

Adjusting vertical text alignment in PowerPoint
Figure 14

5.  To customize your vertical  text alignment, Click the “More option”  from the dropdown menu

Adjusting vertical text alignment in PowerPoint
Figure 15

6.  On the right side, the adjustment panel will appear

Adjusting vertical text alignment in PowerPoint
Figure 16

7.  You can now customize your vertical text alignment according to your requirements

How to change text direction in PowerPoint

Changing text direction in PowerPoint
Figure 17

1.  Select paragraph text and Go to “Home Tab”
2.  In the “Paragraph group”, go to the “text direction” option
3.  Click the “arrow” next to it and  from the dropdown menu, Select your “text direction” option

Changing text direction in PowerPoint
Figure 18


Changing text direction in PowerPoint
Figure 19

4.  To customize your text direction, click the “Text direction” option from the dropdown menu
5.  On the right, the adjustment panel will appear, you can now customize your  text direction  according to your requirements

Changing text direction in PowerPoint
Figure 20

How to add or Remove Columns in PowerPoint

Adding/removing columns in paragraph in PowerPower
Figure 21

1.  Select paragraph text and Go to “Home Tab”
2.  In the paragraph group, go to the “Add or Remove Columns ” option
3. Click the “arrow” next to it and a dropdown menu will appear
4.  From the dropdown menu, select the number of columns you want to add or remove

Adding/removing columns in paragraph in PowerPower
Figure 22


Adding/removing columns in paragraph in PowerPower
Figure 23

5.  To add more columns and adjust the spacing between columns, click “More Columns Option” from the dropdown menu

Adding/removing columns in paragraph in PowerPower
Figure 24

6.  A panel will appear, enter the number of columns you want to add and adjust the spacing between them

Adding/removing columns in paragraph in PowerPower
Figure 25


How to convert simple Text to Smart Art in PowerPoint

Converting simple text to smart art graphics in PowerPoint
Figure 26


Converting simple text to smart art graphics in PowerPoint
Figure 27

1.  Select paragraph text and Go to “Home Tab”
2.  In the “Paragraph group”, go to the “ SmartArt Graphics  ” option
3.  Click the “arrow” next to it
4.  Select your desired smart art graphic to convert the text into it

Converting simple text to smart art graphics in PowerPoint
Figure 28


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