How to apply quick word art styles to the text of a table in PowerPoint
How to change the text outline colour of a table in PowerPoint
How to change the text colour of a table in PowerPoint
How to add effects (shadow, glow, reflection) to the text of a table in PowerPoint How to apply Quick WordArt Styles to the Text of Table in PowerPoint

1. Select the text to apply the Quick WordArt style
2. Go to “Table Design”, Click the “Quick WordArt Styles” option
3. From the dropdown menu, pick your desired quick WordArt Style which allows you to add effect to your text inside a text box to create decorative products, such as shadowed or mirrored (reflected) text
How to change the text colour of the table in PowerPoint

1. From the “WordArt Styles” group, Click the “Text Fill” option
2. A drop-down menu will appear
3. select the colour you want to apply to your text
4. To customize your text colour, click the “More Colours Fill” option
How to change the text Outline Colour of the table in PowerPoint

1. Select the Text and go to “Table Design”
2. From the “WordArt Styles” group, Click the “Outline Colour” option
3. Select the outline colour from the dropdown menu
4. To customize your outline colour, click the “More Outline Colours “option from the dropdown menu
How to add effects (Shadow, Glow, Reflection) to the text of a Table in PowerPoint
1. From the “WordArt Styles” group, Click the “Text Effect” option
2. From the dropdown menu, select the Text Effects i.e., Shadow, Reflection, Glow, etc
Outer (cast shadow on the outer side of the table )
Inner (cast shadow inside the table)
Perspective (cast shadow on different perspectives)



3. Select your desired text effect that you want to apply